Decisions, decisions, decisions...………!
It’s been a couple of months since I’ve written a blog, although I have started this one numerous times only to stall.
The reason for the stop, start hiatus? – I’ve been making major decisions about my business direction. These decisions have been reinforced at the recent events at which I’ve exhibited.
Let me tell you about it……………………..
At all shows/events that I attend, my Enchanted Collection garners about 95% of all interest with the remaining 5% split between my other collections. This echoes my sketchbook, where 95% of my sketches are for the Enchanted Collection. When anyone asks about my work, it’s this collection that I predominantly talk about…………I think it’s evident that this is where my designer heart lies. And, I suppose I've always known that deep down.
So, chicken & egg! – does the Enchanted Collection garner interest on its own merit or because it’s where my heart lies? I certainly display more passion when speaking to people about this collection, to the point that it eclipses my other work.
I think it’s a mixture of both. I think it’s inevitable that people pick up on where your true fervour lies. I’ve always considered it important to be passionate about what you are doing – only then can you convey this to others, touch them with the same enthusiasm.
So, why have I always created a number of, possibly disparate, designs to exhibit and sell? Well, I think it’s been an attempt to provide items of universal appeal to captivate a wider audience and strengthen my potential sales and whilst I've had success with all collections I think, in truth, that the approach has been a hindrance to developing a specific style that can be associated with me as an individual designer.
Therefore, I have been making some big business / design decisions.
From the start of 2019 I am going to discontinue all of my collections with the exception of Enchanted. I am currently really busy creating some of the work I have sketched over the last year to augment the collection so that there will be items of more varied price points available and I plan to have this ready early 2019.
My planned release of a new collection for the BCTF (British Craft Trade Fair) in April 2019 will continue the Enchanted theme – different to the current collection but very much in the same style and still ‘magical’ – this will be Enchanted Collection – Special Moments.
It is such an exciting time – not to mention extremely busy.
After struggling with these decisions for the past couple of months I felt like I’d lost my map and wasn’t sure where I was going, it really affected creative momentum. Happily, I now feel such a creative release and new energy for what’s ahead and I have my ‘map’ firmly in front of me. It may not be the best time to introduce change with the busy Christmas season barrelling towards us, but any time is the right time to make the right decisions for your business…….so here I go!
Have you had similar times to contend with……….and does the above echo your own obstacles and solutions?